Natasha Cabrera (Keynote)
PRESENTATION: "Fathers' contributions to children's development in early childhood"
Natasha Cabrera obtained her Ph.D. in Educational and Developmental Psychology from the University of Denver, USA. Dr. Cabrera is currently a Professor at the University of Maryland, where she directs the Family Involvement Laboratory. Her current research interests include father-son and mother-son relationships; predictors of adaptive and non-adaptive parenting; social and emotional development of children in diverse types of families and cultural groups; and the mechanisms than connect children's early experiences with later cognition and social development. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals on policy, methodology, theory, and the impact of parenting by minority-group mothers and fathers in the cognitive and social development of children. She is the co-editor of the Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, second edition (2013), and seven other books.