Call for papers


1.       Individual Poster: Specific Independent Empirical Research.

✔  Appropriate for research whose results and discussion can be explained briefly and for work that requires graphic or visual presentations.

✔  The format gives keeps results on display, allowing the audience to contact presenters for more information.

Posters will be displayed permanently throughout for the duration of the Congress. There will be a repository organized by theme. Posters will be accepted based on independent scoring by two blind reviewers.

 Accepted posters will be submitted in two versions:

●       Physical poster: 80cm wide x 120cm high to be displayed during the congress.

●       Virtual poster: PDF file to be sent on October 24, 2022


2.       Individual research: Theoretical research or independent empirical research of greater complexity than those presented in aposter.

✔  Appropriate for research whose method, resultsand/or discussion required detailed explanation.

✔  The format favors academic exchange between presenters sharing a panel.


Individual works will be organized by the Committee in free panels composed of three thematically linked works. Each presenter will have 15 minutes for their intervention, and a15-minute Q and A will take place after the presentations.

Individual research papers will be accepted based on independent rating by two blind reviewers.

*Works that are accepted but can not be included in a panel (due to not having found three related themes, or because the maximum number of panels for the event has been reached) may be registered as individual posters, subject to presenter approval.


Submissions of individual posters and individual research papers


1. Title (no more than 15 words).

2. Full name, affiliation and email address of each of the authors.

In the case of “author groups”, include the name of the research group or laboratory.

3. Abstract, 300 words maximum (introduction,objectives and/or hypothesis, method, results, conclusions and/or implications).

a. Single-line spacing

b. Do not include information that identifies the research and/or its authors

c. Use APA quotes

d. Do not include list of references

4. You can include a maximum of 2 tables or images that complement the content of the abstract, which will not count towards the word limit.

5. Once the communication of the acceptance of their poster presentationor research work is received, at least one of the authors must register for thecongress before the date indicated in the schedule in order to include the presentationin the program.

6. National participants whose research presentation is accepted mustattend the congress in person.


  • Application period opens: June 27th
  • Application period closes: September 10st
  • Evaluation of applications: From July 15th to September 9
  • Responses to authors: September 12 an 13
  • Early registration closes: September 18th
  • Last day of registration for participants with accepted presentation: September 30th


All proposals must be sent to this forms.


In case you have doubts and/or queries about the call, you can contact :

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